Blue FM Aruba broadcasts both Oranjestad, Aruba and international music that varies too from genre to genre. Although their main genre of choice is various kind of music like rock, pop, hip hop, urban, r n b etc. Blue FM Aruba main vision is to play what their listeners will listen or if saying the other way what their listeners would like to listen.
GFM 99.9 proporciona veinticuatro horas (24h) mezcla de varios géneros y estilos de la música. La estación juega toda la música que te gusta mientras se esfuerza por mantenerse al día con los deseos de sus oyentes.
By covering most of the genres an online radio that intends to entertain their listeners should cover and at the same time also broadcasting the biggest hits around the world Comeback Radio is becoming more and more popular among their listeners for their job and presentation of beautiful programs.