Sebelum mengulas lebih jauh mengenai Breakaway One, kenalin dulu nih pembuatnya…, jadi Breakaway One di buat oleh Leif Claesson yang juga membuat audio processor seperti Aero.air™, Volume Logic™ dan Omnia.9®.
BreakawayOne bisa di gunakan untuk merubah sebuah PC menjadi Audio Processor dan Audio yang di hasilkan kualitasnya sangat mumpuni, tidak kalah dengan Audio Processor berbasis Hardware.
Processing Audio untuk :
- FM Radio
- FM Radio with ITU BS-412 Multiplex Power regulations
- HD Radio™
- Web Radio (Internet Streaming)
- DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale)
System Requirements
- Dedicated PC
dengan OS Windows XP SP3sampai Windows 10. - Virtual PC
tidak di supportoleh Breakaway One - CPU apa pun dalam daftar ini baik untuk beberapa stasiun.
- CPU apa pun dalam daftar ini dapat menjalankan beberapa stasiun.
- CPU apa pun dalam daftar ini harus dapat menjalankan satu stasiun FM dan aliran web, tetapi tidak lebih.
Berikut sedikit panduan CPU untuk install breakaway:
Core Type | Passmark (Intel CPU) | Passmark (AMD CPU) |
Full FM | 800 | 1200 |
Basic FM | 700 | 1100 |
Full AM | 600 | 900 |
Basic AM | 500 | 800 |
HD | 120 | 120 |
Daftar di atas bisa di gunakan untuk rujukan agar aplikasi berjalan dengan normal…
Berikut saya sedikit contoh :
Intel Celeron G1820 CPU (Passmark Score 2784) , dapat menjalankan 2 FM core and 3 HD core (800*2+120*3=1960)
Encoder dan Playout tidak di hitung dalam formula di atas, karena mereka menggunakan sedikit resource CPU. Namun agar aplikasi bisa berjalan stabil, di sarankan untuk menjaga penggunaan resource CPU di bawah 70 %
Oh iya…, untuk kebutuhan ON Air, saya sarankan agar windows update di disable saja. dan pastikan firewall untuk di enable.
Setelah proses installasi aplikasi breakawayone, maka akan ada beberapa icon aplikasi, config, dll.

Beberapa Jenis Core dari Breakaway One
Berikut beberapa core dari aplikasi breakawayone yang saya cuplik dari website resmi Breakaway.
- Basic FM
- A
high quality FM processor. Can be upgraded with RDS encoding, and Livewire+/AES67 support.
- A
- Full FM
- A
high quality FM processor. Can also be used in Low Latency mode for live off-air monitoring. - A separate low latency processor for studio monitoring is included, also when the main processor is in
high quality mode. - A flexible speaker controller is included for calibrating your studio speakers.
- Can be upgraded with RDS encoding, and Livewire+/AES67 support.
- A
- Basic AM
- A
high quality Mono AM processor. Can be upgraded with Livewire+/AES67 support.
- A
- Full AM
- A
high quality C-QUAM compliant AM Stereo processor. Can also be used in Low Latency mode for live off-air monitoring. - A separate low latency processor for studio monitoring is included, also when the main processor is in
high quality mode. - A flexible speaker controller is included for calibrating your studio speakers.
- Can be upgraded with Livewire+/AES67 support.
- A
- HD
- A
high quality audio processor for Streaming, DAB, HD Radio, DRM, regular listening, or studio monitoring. - A flexible speaker controller is included for calibrating your speakers.
- Can be upgraded with Streaming Encoders, Livewire+/AES67 support, and a separate low latency processor for studio monitoring.
- A
- Pass-through
- No audio processing, but all other routing features are included
. Can be upgraded with Streaming Encoders and Livewire+/AES67 Support, making it ideal for feeding a remote transmitter site through IP.
- No audio processing, but all other routing features are included
- Management PackageApplies to the entire processor, all cores.Includes:
- Full, direct IP remote control through BaRemote, including Outbound Connection to go through a firewall at the processor site.BaRemote
include file recorders and client audio, for streaming any audio patch point to you remotely. Also includes Remote software updating. HTTP server, useful for automation.- Running as a Service. This improves audio stability (
realtime priority) and site security, as no user needs to be logged into the machine. - Stream Receiver – two (primary and secondary) per processing core. An advanced, robust, constant (adjustable) delay Icecast/Shoutcast receiver for use as the input source.
The secondary stream receiver can function as a standby backup for the primary, meaning it will connect to the selected backup feed at the first sign of trouble in the primary feed, but before the primary feed actually runs out ofbuffer , fora near seamless failover.
Since the backup stream receiver only uses data when needed, it’s usable on metered connections such as 3G.
Main input becomes a secondary backup, for a local playout system.
The secondary stream can also function asbackup to the main input,however some silence is then unavoidable, as the main input provides no advanced warning of impending trouble, unlike themain stream receiver. - Diversity Delay, up to 10 seconds. For keeping synchronized across different broadcast mediums.
- Watchdog. Can execute commands after selectable periods of silence, to for example restart an unreliable playout system, or the entire computer.
- IP address management
- Full, direct IP remote control through BaRemote, including Outbound Connection to go through a firewall at the processor site.BaRemote
Pilih fitur yang di inginkan untuk masing masing processor, dan input dan output device yang akan di gunakan.

Licensable Features (Paid Options)
- RDSApplicable to FM cores.Integrated Basic Dynamic RDS encoder. Can automatically update RadioText from a file, URL or the input stream metadata.Up to four Alternative Frequency entries.
- StreamingApplicable to HD cores.Can stream to Icecast, Shoutcast and Shoutcast 2 servers, and encodes up to four streams from one processor.The following codecs are included:
- Ogg Vorbis
- Opus
- MPEG-1 Layer 2 (twolame)
- LivewireApplicable to all core types.Fully Livewire+®/AES67 multicast compliant Audio over IP.
- Input
- Output
- Monitor (speaker) Output for HD and Full FM cores.
- MPX output (192 kHz)
- Low latency studio processing (below 10ms delay) when used with Full FM cores or HD cores with Separate Low Latency processing.
- Separate Low Latency ProcessorApplicable to HD cores.Separate Low Latency processing with the same settings as the main processor,
so that you can use the highest-quality processing for your stream or digital on-air feed
while also providing a low-latency headphone feed for the studio.
Included Features
- MPX OutputApplies to FM.Stereo Generator. Allows bypassing the stereo generator in your transmitter, leaving the job to BreakawayOne, for a dramatically clearer and louder signal, while staying within legal modulation limits. A full dB louder than L/R out, more if you also use internal RDS encoder.
- ITU BS.412 MPX Power LimiterApplies to FM in certain countries in Europe, including but not limited to Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Czech Republic and Slovenia.A separate carefully tuned preset library gives you the best possible sound while complying flawlessly with the ITU BS.412 regulations.
- Speaker OutputApplies to HD, Full FM and Full AM processors.A speaker controller with EQ calibration, pink noise generation, volume-based loudness, and protection limiters. Allows calibration of the studio speakers. This is actually a crucial feature, as it becomes a lot easier to convince your DJ’s not to bring low bit rate MP3s into the studio when they’re suddenly able to hear all the artifacts on the now audiophile-quality speakers, which in turn translates to better air sound.
Setelah melakukan pemilihan device audio, tekan auto configure dan jalankan Test
Ketika melakukan test utuk output device, kita dapat mengaktifkan dengan Test Tone untuk memastikan konfigurasi sudah benar.
Device Input dan Device Output Multichannel dapat mudah di share antara multi processor di runtime. Jangan pilih device yang sama untuk lebih dari satu I/O slot.

Setelah menutup jendela config, jalankan aplikasi dengan klik menu berikut.

MAS Minta Patch nya dong….
Mohammad Johan Rajabi
silahkan di googling Om….
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